Contact Us
We take the utmost pride in our attentive service, our bountiful offerings and our dedicated, customer-focused team. If there's anything you should need from us at any time prior to, or after your stay, don't hesitate to get in touch - we'll be on the other side ready to step in and get you back to the business of doing business.
Contact information
122A Kirribilli Avenue
Kirribilli NSW 2061
+61 2 9409 1500
ABN 50 008 559 486
National Relay Service
If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can contact us via the National Relay Service.
Speak & Read callers
Dial 133 677 then ask for 02 9409 1500
Speak & Listen callers
Dial 1300 555 727 then ask for 02 9409 1500
Internet relay callers
Connect to the National Relay Service select ‘Make an internet relay call’ then enter 02 9409 1500
Need to make an enquiry, change a booking or perhaps there something you’d like to tell us. We value your feedback.
Get in touch
By Car or Taxi The Coombs Centre is located on the corner of Kirribilli Avenue and Carabella Street, Kirribilli, opposite Admiralty House. Taxi drivers are familiar with this landmark, as well as Kirribilli House which is adjacent to Admiralty House. Kirribilli Avenue is a one way street and can only be accessed via Carabella Street.
By Train or Ferry The Centre is located a 10-15 minute walk from Milsons Point train station or a 5 minute walk from Kirribilli Wharf (please refer to local area Map). Please visit the Sydney Ferries website to see timetables.
Parking The Coombs Centre offers limited undercover parking, which is free of charge and operates on a first-in, first-served basis for all in-house groups. If all car spaces are occupied, guests can use on street parking which usually has a limit of 2 hours. Car spaces cannot be reserved.